Step #7

     If you're a dedicated Web wanderer, then you know the coolest thing about Web pages are the links to other page. A quick click on a particular link and you're off on a journey to whole new world.

To give the people reading your Web pages the same kind of thrill, these are HTML tags that you can use to designate a block of text to be a link. Specifically, you use the <A> and </A> tags (the "A" stands for, strangely, "Anchor") to create a link. The <A> tag is a bit more complicated than your garden-variety tag, so let's take a close look at it. Here's the general format to use:

     The Duke of URL Address of Web page add other Net locations that use this format are called uniform resourse locators, or URLs, for short.

     <A HREF = "Address"> Link text </A>

     Here, the Address part is the Web address of the page to which you want to link. Web address are ugly-looking thing, but there's just no avoiding them. For example, here's the Web address of my home page:

     The Link text part is the word or phrase that your readers will click on to jump to whatever page you specified in the Address part. Here's an example that includes a link you could use to connect to my home page (how flatting!):

     <TITLE>Lingking to Another Page</TITLE>
     <This example include a link to
     <A HREF = "">
     some geek author's home page</A>.

     The text figure shows how link looks to a Web surfer. To broaden your link education, leap to Chapter 7, "The Jump to Hyperspace: Adding Links."

The <A> tag lets you include in your Web page links to other Web goodies.