You can really spruce up a dry Web page by adding pictures. Whether it's a corporate logo, one of the kids' drawings, or a picture of yourself, image are a great way to break up the monotory of plain text.
There are a number of issues involved in using image in your Web page (such as what type of format to use, how do you get image on your computer, and so on), but don't worry about them now. (For the nitty-gritty on image , see Chapter 8, "A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Clicks: Working with Images." For now, I'll just show how to use the <IMG> tag that tells a Web browser to display a specific image. Here's the general format:
<IMG SRC = "image">
Here, image is the name of the graphics file you want to display. For exemple, if the file is named msc-sqr.gif, then you use the following tag to display it:
<IMG SRC = "garry.gif">